NXlib + Blackdown Java
2007-11-15 21:54:42 UTC

I'm working under an arm based board.
My goal is to run the Blackdown 1.3.1 arm virtual machine.
This virtual machine works well on my board in console
mode and now I want to add the graphical functionallity.

The blackdown jvm works under the X, and I've seen that
with NXlib it'd be possible to do it.

The nano-x works perfectly on my board and lcd.

I've installed the nanox+nxlib+java virtual machine.

Now I run an application and I get the next error:

libawt.so: undefined reference to XScreenCount.

libawt.so is a library from the virtual machine that i
can't modify. So, what is wrong with XScreenCount?????

Please help!!
